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Awakening Page 20

  “I hope you didn’t think I would back out.” She said, “You’ll never get rid of me.”

  Gaia laughed.

  “And to be honest, you wouldn’t make it very far without me.” Khar said, “You’re all muscle, you need a bit more refining.”

  They all laughed then.

  For the first time since she had heard the news about Master Morrel, she didn’t feel as if her world was falling apart.

  Chapter 25

  Gaia observed the crowd that had gathered to watch her fight. It wasn’t only the students who had come. Her tutors and some staff had also gathered. Even Solomon had come to see her. It was her first time sparring with the prince which was proving to be more challenging than she had expected. She wanted to defeat him, but she had promised that she would let him beat her the first time. They circled each other in the circular court. It was constructed in a similar design to the one at the temple with stands above and bamboo railings to keep the crowd back. Kirk was sweating and grinning and she knew he could tell that she was intentionally holding back.

  “Are you here to fight or dance?” he shouted.

  He was the chink in her armour because no matter who she had ever fought, nobody got under her skin the way he did.

  “I think you’d rather dance if you ask me.” She replied.

  He seemed to consider what she said for a second and burst into laughter. While he was distracted, she moved in with her wooden sword held out. She was hoping he would fall for her faint. He did. As he lifted his sword to block her, she lowered her own and used it to twist his to the side. Releasing the hilt of her sword, she abandoned it and grabbed him by the throat with one hand and gripped his sword holding wrist with the other. She wrenched the sword from his hand and brought it above his head as if she were about to lob it off. She was in control of him and his sword and he hadn’t seen it coming.

  “You said you’d let me win.” He whispered.

  She smiled.

  “You were irritating me.” She replied, “Fight with swords and not words.”

  Releasing him, she stepped back. They had been sparring for long enough and now she wanted to rest.

  “I’m done.” She said.

  “I was hoping to get a go at it.”

  The sound of Nixon’s voice startled everyone. She hadn’t seen him coming and the last thing she wanted to do right now was fight one of her enemies. She had too much anger to maintain her self-control.

  “Are you sure about this?” she asked.

  He looked at her as if there was nothing else he would rather do in this lifetime.

  “I’ve heard that you have unique skills.” He said, “Everyone is dying for an opportunity to fight you. I get preferential treatment being the prince’s cousin.”

  She shook her head.

  “Maybe another time.” She said,

  He raised a quizzical brow.

  “Scared I would beat you?” he asked

  His attempt to annoy her was useless because she didn’t care what he thought of her. She already knew who he was, and she already knew she hated him. In the end, she would kill him without remorse.

  “It doesn’t really matter to me.” She said, “I’m not here to spar with the royal family.”

  “You say that.” He began but paused when Kirk walked over.

  “Are we done here?” Kirk asked.

  He was being protective again and she thought it was interesting since she had just overpowered him and relieved him of his sword.

  “Are you acting overprotective of your toy?” Nixon asked, “Why won’t you let others play.”

  Gaia thought it was funny but by the looks of it, Kirk wasn’t so amused by Nixon’s comments.

  “Fine!” she said, “I’ll fight you. No swords though. I want to subdue you with my bare hands.”

  Nixon smiled.

  “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  He stepped away and Kirk looked at her.

  “You don’t have to do this you know.” Kirk said

  “If I don’t then who will?” she asked.

  Kirk walked away leaving her alone with Nixon. She looked over at Nixon and realized he had removed his shirt and was wearing only a thin vest with his loose pants. She took her time observing him as he measured her up.

  Gaia stepped to her right and he stepped to his right. She studied his reaction and looked into his eyes to see if she could decipher the kinds of decisions he was making. She had never fought such a sinister foe and so she reminded herself to use only her physical strength. Otherwise, she would mess up and kill a royal.

  “Will you stand there all day?” he asked.

  Instead of responding, she did something he wouldn’t expect, she walked into the middle of the circle and faced him.

  “Are you coming?”

  He stepped forward and grinned.

  “Are you going to fight me or..”

  Before she could finish her sentence, he balled up a fist and aimed it at her head. She moved out of the path of the blow and grabbed his hand and threw him to the ground without moving from the centre of the ring.

  “I was asking if you planned to fight or grin all day. It’s rude to interrupt someone in the middle of their sentence.”

  Nixon coughed and stood. His fall had invited a loud cheer from the other students.

  “Look, you have a few fans.”

  Nixon snarled and came at her again. This time he charged her with his head lowered. She stood her ground and observed him the way she would an out of control bull. She wanted to test her ability to become insoluble, but she knew this wasn’t the time or place. Instead, she braced herself for impact. As he collided with her, she used the force of his momentum to propel herself upward and redirect him into the containing wall behind them. He slammed into it with a loud thud and once again the crowd began to cheer.

  “Maybe they’re my fans.” She said thoughtfully as he stood

  Nixon charged her again without hesitating and this time she anticipated the underhanded move and allowed him to get close to her. He held two fingers out and aimed them at her eyes. Inches away from her, she shot her hand up to intercept his fingers and bend them backwards. He cried out in agony and knelt to the ground in an attempt to shrink away from her. She had to restrain herself as thoughts of breaking his fingers overwhelmed her.

  “Enough?” she asked.

  He nodded and she released him.

  “I think so too.”

  She stepped back and bowed to him. He looked up at her as if he was shocked that she had beat him.

  She knelt to the ground and leaned over so that she was whispering in his ear.

  “I’m not a Cenobyte.” She said, “I am THE Cenobyte.”

  Without another word, she stood and walked away. Kirk was waiting for her at the top of the steps.

  “I did you a favour.” She said.

  “How’s that?” He asked.

  “Well you lasted longer than he did, that must mean you’re a better fighter than he is.”

  Kirk scoffed but he couldn’t help smiling. As they walked away, she noted Solomon’s eyes on them, and she hoped Khar and Helen did as well. Helen rushed over to Nixon as he stood. She gave him a cup filled with water. Gaia thought it was interesting that Nixon thought that Helen was trying to console him in the name of trying to restore familial bonds. What she was really doing was keeping perfect tabs on him. Gaia thought she was doing a good job. Khar, on the other hand, was milling around the other students trying to keep tabs on the gossip.

  Gaia parted with Kirk and went to her room. She was due for a bath before the afternoon lessons. As she opened her door, she almost fainted. Cettie was standing in the middle of the room with Abito. They both looked over at her and smiled. Cettie opened her arms and Gaia rushed into them and melted into the woman’s embrace. Fresh tears came flooding and it was the first time she had cried since she had revealed the news to the others three days before. After a long time, she stepped out of
Cettie’s arms and wiped her eyes.

  “You have grown,” Cettie said

  Gaia burst into a laugh that shook her entire body,

  “I have not!” she insisted despite herself.

  Abito stood back observing them with a smile.

  “How did you get in here, why are you here, are you staying with me?” Gaia asked.

  Cettie shook her head and smiled.

  “I am here for you, but for now I am simply a maid in the palace. I came here quietly, so I’ll need to blend.”

  Gaia nodded. She assumed Abito was the one who had snuck Cettie into the palace.

  “I brought you something,” Cettie said motioning to a bag at the foot of Gaia’s bed.

  She went over to the bag and opened it. Inside was a clump of dark red cloth that looked a lot like blood. Gaia hoped Cettie hadn’t spent all her money getting the expensive fabric to make clothes for her. As she reached in to take hold of it, she realised that it wasn’t solid and that she could not grab a hold of it. She checked again to see if there was anything in the bag and saw the red cloth was still there.

  “What’s this?” she asked.

  “It’s a cloak you’ll be needing from now on.” Cettie said, “You’ll be ready to wear it when you figure out how to hold it.”

  Gaia was going to say something but Cettie disappeared from the room. Abito looked at her and shrugged.

  “You didn’t know she could do that did you?” he asked.

  She shook her head. He made a move to leave but she stopped him.

  “Don’t go.” She said, “I want to ask you something.”

  He nodded.

  “What powers do I have?” she asked, “I can think of something and it is, but I don’t know what I’m allowed to think of.”

  He smiled at her as if she was a child asking why the sun had to set.

  “I wish I knew how to answer your question little bird.” He said, “many learn their powers by imitation, but you are special, you will have to learn your powers through your belief. If you can believe it, then it will be.”

  “You see the future and you can control the senses.” She said, “How is that?”

  “I was born to a mother who was a seer and a father who could control the senses.” He said, “I was able to tap into both of those powers.”

  “Does that mean that the child of two powerful parents will possess both powers?” She asked.

  “Only if the child is able. The powers become overwhelming if not handled by a strong body.”

  Gaia thought about it for a moment and her mind went to Kirk. If his mother had been more than a Cenobyte, he may be more than a Mistral.

  “I can see that many things are puzzling you, but I must go, or your maid will catch me here.”

  Gaia nodded and watched as he left. A few minutes later as she was preparing her bath, Lolita walked in.

  “I heard about your performance in the yard today.” She said, “Good job beating those boys.”

  Gaia smiled.

  Lolita helped her to bathe and then to dress. She pinned her hair in a high bun with a few tendrils falling here and there. Lolita looked pleased with her handiwork. She pointed Gaia to the mirror and they smiled at each other.

  “Lolita.” Gaia said when they were finished, “have you seen the queen recently?”

  Lolita was suddenly still, and she would not meet Gaia’s eyes.

  “Why do you ask?” she asked.

  “I just haven’t seen her in a long time.” She replied, “I only see the king and Solomon.”

  Lolita let out a loud sigh and went over to sit next to Gaia.

  “I shouldn’t be telling this to anyone.” She said, “We think the queen is pregnant.”

  The revelation both shocked and terrified Gaia. She stood and rushed out of the room without saying anything. The other students would be in the dining hall getting ready for lunch, but she needed to find Kirk. She found him as she approached the dining room. As soon as he saw her, he rushed over.

  “I need to talk to you.” She said.

  He had been walking with the other mistrals who seemed perplexed at whatever he had been discussing. although she could not decipher what it was, she could tell that Andrew was not in agreement.

  “Come with me.” He said leading her towards his garden.

  “What is it?” he asked when they arrived.

  “Anabelle is pregnant.” She said.

  Kirk’s eyes widened.

  “Come with me.”

  He led her out of his quarters. As they rushed down corridors, she noticed the direction he was taking her. The last time she had been here was after their failed trial when he had taken her to his father’s private office.

  “Why are you taking me here?” she asked.

  Kirk didn’t answer. He kept urging her onward until they got to the office. On the inside, she saw a few men gathered before the king who stopped speaking midsentence when the door burst open.

  “Get out,” Kirk said.

  Kieron looked at him as if he had lost his mind but when the king saw her, he nodded for the men to leave the room. They all streamed out and Kirk shut the door.

  “Your wife is pregnant.” Kirk said, “When were you going to tell me?”

  The hurt she heard in his voice was new, but she sensed just how painful it was to hear this. Keiron let out a breath and sat back in his chair. It was then that she knew something was wrong.

  “Son,” Kieron said, “My marriage to Anabelle was purely political. I already have an heir and even if I wanted to secure another, I would never and have never slept with that woman.”

  Gaia suddenly thought about what Helen had said about the way Anabelle had looked at Solomon. It couldn’t be.

  “It’s not your child?” he asked, “Then who.”

  He stopped and looked over at Gaia. Gaia averted her gaze.

  “I’m just as surprised as you are.” Kieron said, “I haven’t seen her in a few weeks so I wasn’t aware that she may be pregnant.”

  “I, I don’t know what’s going on anymore,” Kirk said

  “Don’t mention this again,” Kieron said, “Let me figure it out. Pay attention to your lessons.”

  Kirk nodded and left the office.

  “It’s Solomon’s,” he whispered when they were almost back at the dining hall.

  “I know.” she replied, “But we have to pretend not to know. The fact that others know means she’s not able to hide it for much longer. Whatever is happening in the palace, will happen soon.”

  Kirk nodded and together they entered the dining hall. Gaia’s eyes swept over the room and she caught sight of Helen who was standing aside with Nixon. The two looked like they would make a lovely pair if he had a heart. Something about the way Nixon looked at Helen told her that there might be a chance that he was infatuated with the young Anduanna. She wasn’t sure why but somehow things felt much more dangerous now than they had before.

  Chapter 26

  Their classes over the next week were very different. With the Gitreg Day gathering fast approaching, guests had begun arriving. Their training had shifted to a focus on the various duties they had been assigned for the day.

  Master Adilade stood at the front of the class on the raised platform and spoke to them. She had the Condor on her shoulder peering down at them with ominous intent.

  “Helen and Khar have already been assigned to guard the sacrifice.” She said, “Your training will be conducted separately with the chief of the ceremonies.”

  Helen and Khar nodded.

  “Nixon and Gaia will be assigned to greet the guests at the dinner ceremony.” She continued, “you two will be trained by High Lord Kun Solomon.”

  Gaia kept her expression impassive, but she knew they had planned this. The only thing she wasn’t sure of was if the headmistress was a part of the plan.

  “Myren, Andrew, Katherine, Tafari, and Brian, you will be the standard-bearers for your clan’s coat of arms for the entra
nce ceremony.”

  They all nodded. Gaia could tell this was an important job because Myren’s face lit up.

  “The rest of you will be assigned to various leaders as helpers during the celebrations.”

  Gaia wondered why Kirk hadn’t been assigned any to of the duties but then she remembered that he was the prince of the realm and if there was an official ceremony, he would have to act in his official role.

  As she contemplated, she saw Nixon crossing the room towards her. Kirk was at her side in moments and she wondered if there would be another exchange of words between them.

  “Be careful with them,” Kirk said.

  She nodded and to her surprise, Kirk stepped away. She watched him leave the classroom and she felt a sudden loss that she couldn’t explain. Helen also came over to her with Khar in tow.

  “We’re off,” she said, “our training begins now.”

  Gaia watched them leave and realised the only person who was left with her was Tafari. He glanced over at her, smiled, and then turned away.

  “We should go,” Nixon said

  He was standing in front of her. The other students were scattered around the room and she stood in the centre.

  “Where to?” she asked.

  “We have to meet with Solomon for our training.”

  She nodded but she was reluctant to leave. There was no telling what would happen to her when she left this room, but she hoped they would feel a sense of self-preservation and avoid upsetting her.

  “Let’s go.” She said.

  They left the room together and when they entered the corridor he began to speak.

  “Gaia,” he said, “do you like my cousin?”

  The question threw her off guard. She was expecting aggression or something that would give her insight into their plans. She was not expecting Nixon to ask her about her feelings for Kirk. She wasn’t prepared to face them either. Although she had a deep sense of loyalty to him, she knew there was more to it than that.

  “I don’t know.” She said, “Why do you ask?”

  Nixon was quiet as he led her towards Solomon’s library.

  “You should be careful,” Nixon said, “with your feelings that is. The prince has already been promised to the ruler of the Shango’s daughter. Tafari’s sister.”